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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Question For Readers: Audio Rants -- Yay or Nay?

I was thinking about this earlier today in response to a book I received in the mail (a good response), and I want to test the waters by asking all of you how interested you would be in the following venture:

The occasional rant in audio form, followed by a question. I would say that these would be focused to literature (specifically, science fiction and fantasy), but there may be topics that come up that deserve rant treatment. The runtime would be well under 10 minutes (most likely under five). Think of them as a podcast, but super short and without much in terms of catchy jingles and the like (not that there's something wrong with catchy jingles).

Thoughs? Opinions?

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  1. Personally, I would say "Nay" becaues I enjoy to read. On the flip side, I like changing things up and having an audio rant every now and then along with writing balances it out. I would listen.

  2. So a semi-yay? I'm not saying it would be a regular feature, but occasionally I get in a really babble-y mood and the written word can't really get to what is going on in my head (spoken word can't either, but I'm less constrained in speaking). I was thinking it would be a once in a blue moon kind of thing (maybe a couple times a month at most).
