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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Disclaimer: Because the FTC are dumbasses...

Since all book bloggers are now required to indicate whether we get books for free, I have put a disclaimer on the top of my right-side sidebar to make sure it is clear that I am one of those that does receive books free of charge. Of course, there is a clever rhyme there (I get books for free. Frak the FTC), but I'm sure the FTC will not appreciate that.

In any case, I wanted to make sure, yet again, that all of you are aware that I get free books for review. This way I don't get sued by the FTC for what amounts to a hypocritical and downright stupid policy change. I'll have more to say about the FTC soon.

Thanks for your understanding.

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  1. LOL Correction - all AMERICAN book bloggers.

  2. Yeah, because the U.S. won't strong arm you blasted Canadians or anything :P
