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Thursday, May 15, 2008

F & SF Magazine Subscription Offer

I feel rather stupid for not putting this up earlier. I recently opted to get a free issue of F & SF magazine to review. I'm about half-way through right now and expect to get it done this weekend to help promote the magazine. It's actually pretty decent and I'm enjoying it thus.
However, F & SF contacted me the other day to tell me there is a special offer to bloggers for subscriptions to the magazine (meaning anyone who reads this blog is eligible).
Here are the two links:
Regular subscription area and the Paypal subscription area.

I recommend if you enjoy the magazine to get a subscription and support one of speculative fiction's oldest and more prestigious magazines.

(Don't click the read more, there isn't any more after this!)

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  1. You know, I actually have a subscription to the mag. It's been a favorite of mine for some time. I like the fact that they have such a mixture of style and topic. Great posting. If I didn't already have a subscription,I would jump on it.

  2. I agree. I'll be asking for a subscription for Christmas, or my birthday. I also want a membership in SFRA :P.

  3. Anonymous11:46 PM

    F & SF is an awesome magazine. Everyone should avail themselves of the free copy
