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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Aww, the Bachelor Life

There are great advantages to being on your own. One of the best ones is that I don't have to fight anyone over the toy in the cereal box. That's right, it's all mine.What is that in my hand? Well it's certainly not a razor, because why would I be flashing around a razor instead of shaving off my rather rugged-man beard? That is a plastic, light-up Indiana Jones spoon that I managed to procure in a box of Cocoa Krispies. Another benefit is that I can eat all the cereal I want and my brother can steal the good stuff.
Oh and I'm fairly certain I will become a green tea junkie.Yeah. Green tea is good.

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  1. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Excuse me ... BACHELOR LIFE?!?!!?!!?!??!

    Anyway, I'll let you have the cereal toy if it makes you happy. My cereals never come with toys anyway ... I don't see why the "serious" breakfasts can't come with a little fun. :(

  2. *Smiles* I am now reminiscing back to my very own first apartement. The joy of adulthood & enjoying the little things in life. Ain't it great?! Okay - well I think a so.

    Happy Day!
