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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Final Critique Group Update

Officially we are not doing it through CC anymore because I'm not going to ask Andrew or anyone else to subscribe to the premium account there. It's not fair to you, especially since this is just starting up and there isn't a definitive guarantee it will last for a year or forever for that matter.

However, I did a little research and found that we can do critiques in MS Word without a problem. It takes a minute to set up some quick keys for the two commands we'll likely be using--strike through and comment. So, for those that were interested (Andrew for example) send me a direct email so I can tell you how to do these quick keys. And then we'll start doing it via email and just send each other documents. Would anyone be opposed to having a mailing list that makes discussing stories easy amongst one another? A very low key list. Just something that only the members would send to one another. Not advertised so there would be no spam.

So please email me in regards to the critique group.

And another post will go up later this evening on the evil semicolon--which I am quite fond of but people tend to use incorrectly on a consistent basis.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Sorry you spent the money for nothing...are you going to cancel it?

    Emails sounds like a good plan B. Imelda and I already crit our stuff that way. What I normally do is color the stuff being commented on blue and comments are red. I have a text program that makes the color changing really easy to do.

    I'm gonna send you an email now.
