Figure I could put another top ten list up here before getting Chapter Two fully written (it's going to be a lot longer than the last one I think). So, this top ten list is of my favorite novels. It is another list that changes periodically, but for now this is it.

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card -- This is one of the greatest books ever written. It won a Hugo and a Nebula Award and its sequel received the same awards (a first in history). You have to read this if you like scifi at all.

Harry Potter Series by J. K. Rowling -- These are amazingly written stories that most of us are familiar with in some way. Book six is the only book that has actually made me cry! That says something about a book in my opinion.

1984 by George Orwell -- Who hasn't read this book by one of the great classic writers? You? Well what are you doing if you're not reading this then? It's a classic example of a world controlled by its government. Get up, read it!

Mars by Ben Bova -- Possibly the greatest hard scifi novel ever written. It gives a realistic look at the first manned mission to Mars and the strange thing about it is that if we were to try it we could easily do it with the technology available. Soon this is going to be history, not fiction.

Eon by Greg Bear -- As I mentioned in a previous blog, I recently finish this book and was absolutely amazed and how good it was. It hooked me from the beginning. It's a must for any hard scifi reader, although you should read Mars first :P.

Hart's Hope by Orson Scott Card -- This book was one of those books I sort of picked up and thought "maybe I'll read it". When I read it, though, it was one of the best, most original fantasy reads ever. Card is a freaking genius when it comes to his writing.

Eragon by Christopher Paolini -- This book was one of those I listened to. I had originally bought the book because I found out this kid was only 19 when he was picked up by a major publisher. That is amazing to me. It turned out to be a really awesome fantasy story, and now is apparently a trilogy. I've yet to read
Eldest, but it is on my list.

The Empire of Time by Crawford Kilian -- Remember in my top ten authors post I had mentioned Kilian's take on time travel? This book is where that came from. It's a well written look at a future where time travel is pretty much the norm in society. It was a good read.

Saturn's Race by Larry Niven -- One of my favorites by Larry Niven. Granted, this will likely be replaced as I get more Niven in my, but I thought it was a very riveting tale when I listened to it on audiobook.

Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb -- This is one of those interesting gems you pick up without the pretty cover at a book sale. All it had was the title on the hardback, but no pictures or anything. Then I read it and was blown away at how interesting of a world Hobb had created.
So there you have it, my neat post of favorites. I'm probably missing some though, but that's okay. I'm actually listening to Ringworld by Larry Niven right now, so we'll see if the ending to that lands it on my list :).
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I'm a little giddy because I just discovered they're turnign Eragon into a movie! :D
ReplyDeleteer... "turning" ; )
ReplyDeleteYeah, I heard about that. I'm little scared for it though. I don't know if I can see Malkovich as Galbatorix (sp?). And that kid looks too old to me.