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Monday, January 26, 2015

A Conversation with Josh Vogt About the Internet and Perverted Things

(Trigger warning for anyone bother STD analogies...)

SCENE:  In the minutes before Shaun's new editing website went live, an unsuspecting Josh Vogt is gifted an exchange of adolescent absurdity on Facebook.

SHAUN:  I want to announce this thing, but I can't do it if the stupid thing doesn't propagate.  Make Internet love and spread already!

JOSH:  You make it sound like an STD.

SHAUN:  It's kind of like one...It waits for an unsuspecting server to touch it in its delicate place, and then infects it with new information.  That's all STDs are.  New information.  We just perceive it as genital warts.

JOSH:  Ew.  Though that'd make an intriguing character POV.

SHAUN:  I'm actually laughing right now because that's funny shit right there.

JOSH:  Someone who worships disease because it's just information and information must be shared to have value.

SHAUN:  I'm going to tweet that...

JOSH:  No no! I'm stealing your idea.  You'll see it in a book someday.

SHAUN:  That's cool.  I just want to tweet the convo.  Because it's funny.  But I can save it.

JOSH:  Naw.

SHAUN:  I'll use it as blackmail when you sell the story.

JOSH:  Spread the love

SHAUN:  I will spread Internet genital warts. Yes.

JOSH:  So is Twitter an orgy then?

SHAUN:  Yes.  I can't tweet this.  Some of the sentences are too long.  Can I put it on my blog?

JOSH:  Sure nuff.


JOSH:  Heheh

SHAUN:  My Internet genital warts virus has flowered!

JOSH:  I really hope this isn't anything I dream about tonight...Soon, websites will instead be known a webstds

SHAUN:  We're part of the future, Josh.  Part of the *FUTURE.*


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