The World in the Satin Bag has moved to my new website.  If you want to see what I'm up to, head on over there!

Monday, September 06, 2010

My First Publication: "To Paint the Kingdom Red, Part One" in Residential Aliens!

You read that right.  I've had my first short story published in Residential Aliens.  The story has been split in half due to length, but the first part is currently available here.  Part two will be available in October.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go jump up and down like a lunatic for an hour.

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  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    And you know what my SSR will be today, right?

  2. Adam: Something from Clarkesworld? My story isn't even finished, yet. You have to wait until October for the other half!

  3. Congratulations, my friend! May it be the first of many.

  4. Congrats on publishing your story. Sounds great.

  5. That's exciting news! Congratulations!

  6. Thanks. I appreciate it. Now go read it :P

  7. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Fine, if you want, I'll wait till the second half and review it as one. :)

  8. Grats!!!!

    My first was in the now defunct DKA Magazine. I remember it dearly, all of four(five?) years. Your first publication is the start of a verrrrrry long road. Celebrate, cherish, but whatever you do, don't rest on your laurels!

  9. Pfft. I'll never rest my laurels. I'll be writing when I'm dead...I'll be the first zombie author!
