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Friday, December 19, 2008

Inside the Blogosphere: Question #12 (I'm in it!)

John of Grasping for the Wind has yet another Inside the Blogosphere feature up at his blog. Obviously I'm in it, because I've been in all of them...because I'm awesome or something like that. Or maybe it's because I like answering questions. That's it...

In any case, the question for #12 was:
Though we all know that some books only come out in certain formats, if the world were perfect and you could have a book in any published format, which do you prefer - hardcover, trade paperback, mass market paperback, audiobook or ebook? Why?
What do you think?

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  1. I actually prefer mass market paperback. I like a book I can stuff in a large pocket, or hold in one hand while doing something else like stirring a pot or feeding my son.

  2. That's another reason I like mmps over other formats. Granted, I love the other formats more because they are better quality, but still.
