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Monday, September 08, 2008

Introducing Adam Lowe

I feel like a moron. I haven't properly introduced Adam, who has now become a regular commentator/blogger/whatcha-ma-person on WISB. The short version of who Adam Lowe is goes as follows:
He's the editor of the magazine Polluto over in the UK and, as his first post indicates, a soon to be published novella-ist (or novelist if you will).

I feel rather fortunate to have him on board due to his experience in the field. To be honest I never expected something like this, but I think it's fantastic. So Adam will be hanging around talking, hopefully, about his writing, about Polluto and other projects he's working on, and I imagine all sorts of things that has to do with the editing world, publishing, etc. I'm glad to have you on board, Adam! Welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay. Now go write something terribly controversial!

Oh, and everyone else give a warm welcome to him, because he deserves it and all.


(Don't click the read more, there isn't any more after this!)

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