I was watching Band of Brothers this weekend and got the idea of this blog from it. If you haven't seen the series you really should pick it up. I don't think there will ever be a WW2 series or even movie that can live even partially up to it. So, I figure this week should be a list of series I wish would never end--books, T.V. shows, movies, etc. So, here goes! (In no particular order)

1) Band of Brothers--You just can't go wrong with it. Beautiful filming, amazing casting with people that actually look and act like the people they are pretending to be (the film is based on things that actually did happen with people who really existed). Even the intros to many episodes that show interviews with the soldiers who are being portrayed are amazing. It's just a fantastically done show that should never have ended, or at least could have run longer than one season before ending as it did. I just wish that maybe they'd go back and cover a different unit other than the 501st. I know that it wouldn't be the same, but I just need more!

2) Harry Potter--Yes, I'm going there. Supposedly the series is ending as soon as the 7th book comes out. I don't want it to. I've fallen in love with the characters and to know that I won't get to read more about them after this last installment hurts. Don't stop J.K. Rowling! Please!

3) Chronicles of Narnia--I'm mostly talking of the movie series here simply because I have not read all of the books yet. The movie was so well done. The cinematography was astounding, casting great. If you haven't seen it you should rent it. I'm getting the 4-disc set as soon as it comes out cause I love all that behind the scenes stuff!

4) Lord of the Rings--Another one that is more based on the movie series than the books. I liked the books, but felt the movies were far more interesting, not because Tolkien didn't tell it well, it's just he wrote so much stuff that we didn't need and I'm the type who has to be engaged quickly or you lose me. The movies were, well, I really don't need to say how good they were do I? We all know. They won a bazillion awards...and when they ended it sucked cause you sat there and went, "it's over." Just like that. Sort of a big punch in the gut.

5) Star Wars--Doesn't matter if you didn't like the prequels. Doesn't matter at all. Fact of the matter is, this is the second time fans of the films have had to deal with it ending on us. First it was with the originals, when there was no word that we would get this amazing taste of the SW universe from an earlier time. Now, we have it again with so much inbetween stuff we still don't really know. Rumors say there will be a third trilogy after the originals, but those are rumors. I want them so bad though! Best series of all time.
6) Underworld--I don't know if more are planned, and probably not considering how Evolution ended, but I loved the films so much. The concept behind it and how they created their vampires and werewolves was just so fascinating. Who knows, I think we can assume it's done with Evolution, but maybe not.

7) Alice 19th--Most of those that might read this probably have no clue what this series is. It's a manga (a.k.a. Japanese Graphic Novel), and quite frankly is one of the most engaging and fascinating manga series I have ever read.

8) Half-life--A video game! Yes, well this is the game that pretty much made FPS (first person shooter) games the fascinating experience they are today. Without this game, and without it's predecessors we would not have had any of the elements present today ever show up. HL started it all. And then, low and behold, as a surprise to all the millions upon millions of us that had become fans, they gave us HL2, which took the franchise to knew heights, new levels, new...well...new everything! And, right now, it's technically over because they haven't announced an HL3 is in the works. So, what are we to do?

9) The Inheritance Trilogy--Yup, it's on book two, which means one more is left along with two more movies. I haven't even read Eldest yet partially out of fear...I don't want it to end :(
So I think that will do it for the time being.
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